Friday, May 16, 2008

Despues mi graduacion (11)

Go big or go home.... my philosophy on life, and that's the way I'm gonna live it.

As soon as I get out of this prison, also known as school, I plan on moving far, far, far, away...... like Texas. =]
I'll apply for 2 universities, Texas A&M and University of Texas. Hopefully i'll get into one of them. I lean more towards A&M because it has a better veterinarian program and also has branches in Corpus Christi and Galveston, which are primarily marine biology programs. I have always had an interest in sea animals, mostly sea mammals including dolphins and whales. I've even had this obsession with working at Sea World for the longest time. It was my dream to be the girl running the shows with Shamu. I've also always dreamed of caretaking for exotic animals. Either way, I WILL be working with animals. While I'm in school, I'll be working as a zookeeper. If I am to be admitted to A&M, I will start off at the main campus and complete all my core courses. After I do this, I will either go to A&M Vet school or one of the branches in Galveston or Corpus Christi. I've always wanted to live on the beach. Corpus Christi is perfect for a start in marine biology. Eventually I'd love to travel all over the world, studying marine mammals or just animals in general.

As far as where I'll be living, I have no clue. I may stay in on-campus rooming, or my own apartment, depending on how far I will be money-wise. School will be my main focus, partying won't be much of my schedule. In fact, I'd rather stay home studying animals all night, rather than going to some sorority/frat party. It never really was my thing.